Fans call out Dove Cameron for being rude to one of her stans

This is awkward.

Fans on Twitter can be pretty intense. But, it’s safe to say that when someone tweets “I’m screaming” or “I’m dying”, they’re probably just sitting on their phone like this:

So when a fan tweeted Dove Cameron saying, “Honestly my goal rn in life is for you to notice me,” we don’t think she meant it that literally.

However, Dove decided to reply to this fan and let her know that there’s way more to life than celebrity culture.

“that’s a very small and unimportant life goal. and maybe if i notice you you will realize how unfulfilling that is and turn your phone off because celebrities don’t matter. GO FIND YOURSELF IN NATURE AND CREATE YOUR OWN LIFE PHILOSOPHY. aim higher, babe.”



People started to immediately reply saying that Dove’s response was completely uncalled for, and that she has probably really upset the fan with that public comment.

I’m pretty sure the fan wasn’t serious, people stay stuff like that all the time as a joke and she took that to a whole other level. That poor fan must feel crushed,” one person wrote.

“It wasn’t even that serious dove U could of made that fan f*cking Day instead of putting that,” said another.

Dove quickly noticed the major backlash her response was getting, so got back on Twitter to clear things up.

“hey all! i truly truly didn’t mean to say anything earlier that hurt feelings. i love love, and i want everyone to feel that love for themselves! sometimes i see celebrity culture and think it encourages something a bit insidious, and i talk about that a lot! i definitely see how my words seemed harsh. i meant them as loving! i put things very bluntly sometimes, because that’s just how i think & like to be communicated with! but i always communicate with the intention of my fans loving themselves, not the opposite! i’m blind to how things sound sometimes.”


We guess that’s that then.

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