
Which of you monsters is drinking your MILO hot?

There is a correct way to drink this Australian icon.

It’s come to our attention that some Australians are incredibly wrong. After about 90,000 votes on social media, it’s been verified that Aussies across the nation prefer drinking their MILO cold. As it should be. The way nature intended.


Who could deny the joy of carefully layering a thick mantle of crunchy, chocolatey MILO crumbs over a glass of your preferred milk? The contrast between hearty liquids and crispy solids? The slow evolution of that top layer to a sweet mud that you’re torn between pretty much swallowing whole in one glorious mouthful and carefully eeking out, like the molten centre of self-saucing chocolate pudding, or a spinach cobb loaf?

Well, according to the results of the MILO debate of 2020, apparently a whole 35% of Australians reckon MILO is better… hot? Like, are you all aware that hot chocolate exists? You can find it in the same aisle? Hot MILO removes entirely removes the textural enjoyment MILO gives us. It disperses the MILO into a sad milky nothingness. You require even more to achieve even a vague concentration of flavour, and even then it’s never satisfying. 

 In terms of the hard numbers—because this an issue we take extremely seriously—#MILOTeamCold gathered 58,199 votes while #MILOTeamHot nabbed 31,388 votes. If you told us at the beginning of the year that more than 30,000 Aussies exist who willfully add an extra step to their MILO preparation that makes it worse, we’d have laughed our questionably nutritious sugar drink out of our noses. Now though, we’re just sad.


Breaking down the voting by states and territories also gave us a clue to where these MILO heathens are heating their milk.

Australia’s Northern states preferred their MILO cold: NT got a perfect 100% preference to cold, followed by QLD with 72%. However, as we move further south, the divide grows, with SA (67%), NSW (66%), VIC (61%), WA (60%) TAS (54%) all preferring cold. The ACT was the only state or territory to prefer hot MILO, at 52%.

So concerning. Is the ACT okay? Anyway if you need us we’ll be enjoying MILO the correct way:


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