Cara Delevingne Makes A Very Strange Confession About Harry Styles

What do you think of this?

Cara Delevingne has a pretty hot face, which is probably one of the most unique we’ve ever seen…

So, would you say she has a celebrity doppelgänger?

Well, Chelsea Handler pointed out that she does while appearing on her show.

“You know who you look like a little bit?” she asked. “Harry Styles.”


Cara at first was a little taken aback, asking, “What about Harry Styles looks like me?!”

But, Chelsea explained that, “You guys have the same thing. Obviously he’s a man and you’re a woman, but you guys have similar features.”

Cara then agreed, because TBH, who wouldn’t want to look like Harry?

“It’s funny,” she said. “We definitely have some similar things going on.”

Do you see it? Because we’re about to spend a lot of time analysing the heck out of both of their faces.

Watch her entire interview below:

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